Commitment to safety

Prioritizing Safety Standards in Every Project We Deliver

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Safety is our top priority

Safety is our top priority.

Paget Equipment is family company who cares about our employees and their welfare. We highlight safe practices to make it our top priority. Our safety program refers to the practices and protocols that our organization implements to protect employees, equipment, and the environment from hazards in the workplace. It encompasses a wide range of measures, including risk assessments, safety training, proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and adherence to regulatory standards.

One of the things that Paget Equipment is most proud of is the tenure of our employees. A strong commitment to industrial safety not only minimizes the risk of accidents and injuries but also fosters a culture of awareness and responsibility among employees, ensuring that everyone understands their role in maintaining a safe work environment.

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Office: Mon-Friday: 8am - 4:30 PM
Plant: Mon -Thur: 6am - 3:30 PM
Sat & Sun: Closed